Thursday, January 30, 2014

This weekend was exhustating...

As you can see.. this weekend was to much for Charlee.. We were celebrating Austin's birthday at the Jump houses and she jumped so much that after a morning of swimming lesson's she was exhausted!!  She was so happy to curl up on Matt's lap and take a quick nap!

On Sunday we headed to the mall to Clairs for Marlee's birthday party and those White girls love Charlee like a sister so she was even included in the party.. and Zoe doesn't get to upset that her little sister tags along.. and if you ask me, she might even like it! here is Char acting like the big kids with her goody bag:)

They got to get make up and finger nails done.. The girls had a great time and they had a gift card to spend as well.. so they were very busy shopping!

Sunday we were busy most of the day with a nice family lunch with Mimi, Grandpa, Dan, Ali and Wes.. by the time the day slowed down around 5 it was to late for a nap.. but that didn't stop Charlee as she fell fast asleep on the couch about 6:) It hard being the youngest!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our weekend

Jake and Z went to Denver for the weekend and Charlee and I stayed home.. We had a great time just spending some quality time just the two of us!!

Friday night we played about ten games of Dora Memory!! Charlee is really good at the game and every time she makes a match she is quick to tell you just how good she is!!

Saturday Morning Charlee had her first swim lesson at the WRC at UNI.. She did a great job and had fun!!

look at that little fish out there swimming with her teacher!!

 Saturday night we went and stayed at Mimi and Grandpa's per Charlee's request and we had a great time playing with Mimi and Aunt Ali  and Grandpa and Cousin Wes. We practiced our skipping, played cards, played trains and had a great time enjoying each others company! We even went for Frozen Yogurt!!
Sunday evening Charlee asked for a snack so I cut up an apple for her to snack on.. and then that pretty little lady had this funny face to show me:) Love her to the moon and back and we had a great time this weekend just the two of us but we are looking forward to having the rest of the family back!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Where Have We Been...

I have no excuse.. we have been busy but not to busy.. and the thought of having to write several post to catch up was causing me  to not even get started on task.. and I know this isn't ideal but this is what I am going to do to catch up.. one big post of life lately..

We celebrate the arrival of Santa to downtown Cedar Falls by going to Holiday Hoopla! This has become an Austin Tradition and we enjoy seeing Santa and kicking off the holiday season!! We also get to see some winter fireworks which is pretty fun. This is also the night our Elf on the Shelf gets delivered to our house, so after we see Santa its fun to head home and welcome Elfy home for the holiday season!

We celebrated Christmas with our sweet JoAnna and she knows Charlee so well and when she saw these PJ's she knew Charlee would love them and as you can see.. SHE WAS RIGHT!!

We made a fleece blanket for Great Aunt Joan for Christmas but before we got started Charlee thought it was the perfect place to lay around since the fabric was so soft and of course Zoe though it was the perfect place to do a bridge!

We got have breakfast with Cinderella and we got to play with Cinderella and dance with princess's. Once we left the breakfast Charlee asked when we were going to eat breakfast, she was so in awe of everything the silly little lady forgot to eat her pancakes:)

We went and saw Santa!!! This was pretty common this year.. Z did the talking and Charlee did the standing but not to close.. she was of course quick to whisper her wishlist to Zoe so she could relay the information!

Another picture with Cinderalla at the Cinderlla breakfast.. look at her beautiful carriage!! Charlee was IMPRESSED and in AWE of all of this!

We went black light bowling and had a great time bowling and dancing and playing under the black lights!

We rode the Polar Express!! Charlee wasn't nearly as worried about Mrs. Clause and was more then happy to pose for a picture with her! Something about a sweet old lady that doesn't seem so scary I guess!

We stood outside waiting to see Santa and to pass the time we took silly pictures of all of us!

So that is it, in a quick nut shell and now that I am all caught up it shouldn't seem as intimidating to write more posts..

We are all doing great and living life with in this crazy crew is wonderful!! Charlee is busy growing and changing every day. Some of the words she uses just crack me up and I love all of her facial expressions.. sometime used appropriately and other times not so much! I just adore her spunk and my one prayer for her is that she continues to believe she can conquer the world.. because if anyone can do it.. it would be our CHAR!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Three year check up!!

Char went to the doctor today for her three year check up!! We are happy to report she is happy, health and sassy.. all of the things that a little three year old lady should be!!

Monday, November 11, 2013


Charlee is IN LOVE with Princess's.. its pretty much the only thing she really cares to talk about and when she isn't talking about them she is thinking about them.

So when we asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween, I think we already knew the answer... A PRINCESS!!

We found this adorable princess dress at the book store and she has been begging and pleading to wear it!

Well she finally got to take it out for Halloween night and she had a great time!! For the first couple of houses she really tried to keep up with the big kids, but it became clear that her short legs had her doomed. Never fear.. she got to Trick or Treat with Colten and the two of them had a great time talking about the costumes and the houses and the candy. I honestly think they were a little sad when we met back up with the big kids:)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Birthday Weekend!

Charlee had a great weekend celebrating everything that is her!! We started the weekend off at Von Maure looking for a new birthday dress and of Charlee was able to find one.. Then home to make pink cupcakes for her friend birthday party!! They each had about two inchs of pink frosting and she LOVED them:)

Saturday morning we got all ready for her birthday party with friends!! AND then the party!! She had a full house.. Marlee, Maddie, Colton, Austin and then she was almost beside her self.. Her friend Abby came, and it was AMAZING!! Those two had a great time playing and eating cupcakes!!

Saturday night Charlee got to go to the Halloween party at gymnastics and loved that she was one of the big kids!!

Sunday morning she woke up signing happy birthday so to say she was excited would be an understatement! We opened presents which she had a great time doing.. and loved all of them and then the playing started!! She got a lot of great presents and had so much fun playing with all of them!

We ended the night at the Pizza Ranch in Vinton celebrating with family!! It was a wonderful weekend!!
Charlee and Abby.. busy being princess's:)

Checking out her present!

Of course her sister was willing to help her open presents!

Hugs for friend Colton!!!

lunch with her friends!

Opening more present the morning of her birthday!


This weekend we were working on a little project we have at home and were at the store talking about buying paint for the project. I asked the girls if they wanted to use Glossy paint or flat paint and Charlee responded back "I don't want Bossy paint, I like it when paint is nice"... oh Char Char:)